Only Essential (Oils)

Internal Use of Essential Oils - Do I or not?

From time to time, I peruse the internet for articles on essential oils. If  you do this too you know there are thousands of posts and articles out there!

Lately I have been assessing the value and safety of taking essential oils internally. My questions go something like this:

a. Is it beneficial? Short-term? Long-term?

b. Is it safe?

c. Are there preferred methods to taking internally? (i.e.: within a capsule)

d. Are there any potential negative side effects?

As you can imagine, for each of my questions I have found an opposing answer and a supportive answer. I'm left with my standard measure- read the article, be open-minded, evaluate the source and research anything cited. Get rid of anything that seems speculative. Make my choice. For me.

 I personally have used essential oils internally for the past 6 or more years. I don't use them on a regular basis (daily) but on a "as needed" basis to address concerns and have had great success with that. I have put essential oils in capsules and ingested them as well as placed a drop or two under my tongue. I have also put a drop or two in water (lemon or lime essential oil.) I've also gargled with a few drops of essential oil in water. On those last two, EO's and water don't mix so the oils tend to stay together. That's a whole other topic! 

On a daily basis, my main way of using essential oils is aromatically and topically.

In an effort to be open-minded, today I searched out some articles regarding internal use of essential oils and thought I'd share them. (I did not ask for permission to cite these, although they allow for social media sharing, and I do not get anything in return personally for doing so): 

  1. FDA's list, of what is acceptable according to their standards for Human consumption in the area of Essential oils, oleoresins (solvent-free), and natural extractives (including distillates).  This list was cited in the below article (#2). I found this interesting:

  2.  A good article on using essential oils internally but perhaps not everyday or for long term:

  3.  An essential oil company's blog article on using essential oils internally.

In doing additional searches on Google I found LOTS of articles, including some by names recognized like Dr. Axe and the Mayo Clinic. There are also those with website/blogs who have written articles on this subject along with articles posted by certified Aromatherapy institutions.

In the end, this is a very personal choice. I am always researching essential oil usage and what is being learned on a regular basis. I feel it's my responsibility as a  user to do so, become informed and then make the decision that best suits my life and concerns. And as always, I consult my physician!

Happy Oiling!